All the best of the Holiday season to you
and yours from the Exec at ACCES
Atlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Society
For Clinical Engineering Professionals
Volume 13 – December 2010
In this Issue
- ACCESConference Newfoundland 2011 May 11-13 – we are rolling!
- Fall CBET and CSA Standards Courses in St John’s and Halifax a big success!
- Webinars – Spring 2011 webinar series
- Paul Verboom Joins the EXEC – Welcome Paul! - One last Directors position is available
- ACCES membership is booming – 2011 renewal surprise being planned
- Website Photos
- ACCES Exec contacts
Conference – St John’s 2011 – We are Rolling!
16th Atlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Conference
St. John’s, Newfoundland
The time is fast approaching when we will be releasing details of the upcoming 16th Atlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Conference. The 2011 conference will be held at the Delta St John’s, St. John’s, Newfoundland, from May 11th to 13th. The trade show will consist of 40 booths available to vendors. We will be hosting an evening of entertainment; this year it will be held at Yuk Yuk's Comedy Theatre Restaurant.
We invite you to make plans to include your conference in your calendar for 2011! Many thanks to Steven Lockyer, Christina Whalen, and Dee Hinson for all their hard work and enthusiasm as we work toward a successful 16th annual conference.
** Do you have ideas for speakers or topics you would like presented? Please send them directly to Steven Lockyer at and/or Christina Whalen - . Your help is appreciated! **
ACCES Professional Affairs - CBET and CSA Standards Course a BIG success!
ACCES is committed to its mission. Education, certification and networking all came together in the form of course entirely sponsored by ACCES for Clinical Engineering professionals in the region. More than 105 education person days were delivered from sites in both St John’s and Halifax. The CBET training provided by Rick Tidman and the Z32-09 CSA course presented by Michel Brossoit represented a significant workload and financial undertaking by the society. It all came together and worked well.
Many thanks go to Dave Hancock, ACCES Professional Affairs Director, for his outstanding effort, long hours, and dedication (and some nail biting) to pull this multi-site event together for you. Also, kudos to Steven Lockyer, ACCES Publication Director, for his hard work to make this happen in St John’s. Additionally – thanks to Jason Symmonds and Dave Melnick for handling all the registration and financials behind the scene. These folks all did an amazing job – well done!
If you have a moment please let the ACCES exec know how we can meet your needs for the of Fall 2011 and pass along your thanks to the Vendors who provide such wonderful support for our annual conference.
These Vendors were sponsors for the 2010 conference - Please be sure to say thank-you!
AMT Vantage Group |
Maquet-Dynamed Inc. |
B Braun |
Masimo |
Bell Aliant |
Medset Specialties Ltd. |
Battery House |
Medtronic of Canada Ltd. |
Baxter |
Olympus Canada Inc |
BHC Medical |
PENTAX Canada |
Cardinal Health Canada |
Philips Healthcare |
Carestream Medical Ltd. |
ProMed Technologies |
Carsen Medical Inc. |
Roxon |
Canmed |
Spacelabs Healthcare(Canada) Inc. |
Clear Power Solutions |
STERIS Canada Inc. |
ConMed Canada |
Stryker |
Covidien |
Verathon Medical Inc. |
FiberTech Canada Inc. |
VitalSine Inc. |
Fresenius Medical Care |
Welch Allyn Canada |
Fisher Paykel |
Galaxy Battery |
Gambro |
GE HealthCare Systems |
Hospira Healthcare Corporation |
New Webinar presentations for this Spring
Paul continues to work hard as our Director of Education to ensure CE professionals in the Atlantic region have access to quality on line training opportunities. Judging by the amount of positive feedback we receive on the webinars it is apparent that they are a great success and his efforts are much appreciated. Well done Paul! Below is the webinar series information for this coming spring.
Our mission at the Atlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Society (ACCES) is to support clinical engineering professionals working in the Atlantic Provinces and developing educational opportunities in central to that mission. As you know, continuous education and professional development is key to our profession and helps us foster the adoption of new and innovated technologies in healthcare.
The Atlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Society (ACCES) is pleased to offer 6 new Webinar presentations starting January 2011. We at ACCES realize that in these times we all have to find ways to be frugal and a webinar is a very low cost method of connecting people and presenting content. The webinar is an internet based technology that allows both the presenter and the audience to be any anywhere that has access to PC and internet. Therefore, no travel is required, no hotels and it also gives the opportunity for a greater audience to participate.
Each presentation is approximately one hour.
If you have any question, send me an email at:
Paul Auffrey
ACCES Education Director
Contributing to a Culture of Patient Safety
Through the use of case studies, individual and system level contributors to patient safety incidents will be described. Participants will review several examples relevant to their context with a focus on understanding and applying the six domains included in The Safety Competencies Framework can improve patient safety within their organizations.
Presenter: Laurel Taylor, Canadian Patient Safety Institute
Date & Time: January 26 at 2 p.m. (Atlantic Time)
Endoscope repair: Is your budget flexible or rigid?
Endoscope repair and the maintenance of your technological fleet presents many clinical, technical and financial challenges...many factors such as new technology, patient demographics, reprocessing and handling techniques as well as repair quality have a direct impact on the readiness of your current endoscope fleet and overall cost of maintenance. The goal of this session is to review basic rigid and flexible endoscope anatomy, most common causes for endoscope failure with the relative repair costs and discuss the steps needed for the successful implementation of a preventive endoscope quality assurance program. Small actions can make a big difference both for the end user and your budget!
Presenter: David Wood, ConMed Canada
Date & Time: February 23 at 2 p.m. (Atlantic Time)
Endoscope reprocessing techniques and standards
Endoscope reprocessing is a key component in the life of an endoscope. Though reprocessing techniques are designed to reduce risks of cross-contamination cleaning and disinfection are also often the cause for endoscope failure. The goal of this session is to review present market disinfection methods and standards while proposing preventive measures which can ensure reduced endoscope failure. Endoscope standards such as ISO 15883, leak testing, manual cleaning, automatic and manual disinfection and endoscope storage will be discussed...
Presenter: David Wood, ConMed Canada
Date & Time: March 30 at 2 p.m. (Atlantic Time)
An update on the Science and Technology of Resuscitation
This talk will delve into biomedical engineering aspects of resuscitation from cardiac arrest, with emphasis on ways to help rescuers provide high quality CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and on the science and practice of defibrillation of the heart.
Presenter: Fred Chapman, Director of Research, Physio-Control
Date & Time: April 13 at 2 p.m. (Atlantic Time)
Building Change Resilience
In this session you will enhance your awareness of the impact of organizational change on individuals and teams. Carla Anglehart, a licensed, certified facilitator of the Change Cycle™ will provide insights about your response to change on mental, emotional and behavioural levels and demonstrate practical strategies to manage the uncertainty surrounding change. Participants learn how to thrive in a changing workplace rather than become casualties of change.
Presenter: Carla Anglehart, Health Association Nova Scotia
Date & Time: April 27, at 2 p.m. (Atlantic Time)
The Cleaning, Inspection, Care, Handling and Storage of TEE Probes
The presentation will cover general, best practice information related to the Cleaning, Inspection, Care, Handling and Storage of Ultrasound TEE probes.
- Cleaning and Disinfecting TEE probes (what most if all don’t know)
- Electrical leakage testing (when and how often)
- Testing the Articulation Mechanism and benchmarking your results
- Visual Inspection
- Handling and transporting (the most common mistakes)
- Proper storage is critical
Presenter: Paul Conrad, Conquest Imaging
Date & Time: May 18 at 2 p.m. (Atlantic Time)
Paul Verboom Joins the EXEC – One last Directors position is available
The Exec is pleased to welcome Paul Verboom to the team. Paul joined the exec at our recent meeting in Halifax. He brings a wealth of CE experience to the table and some much needed support for the website (back up now after a nasty hacker attack – thanks Steven). Welcome Paul!
We have one director at large position left available as an outcome of our recent decision to add folks to the team. If you have an interest please contact any member of the exec or the President directly
Membership Booming – Renewal Surprise planned
The Society has surpassed 120 clinical engineering professional members mark and continues to grow. The Executive of the society believes this reflects the work of the team and our dedication to the path we are on. If you have comments or questions regarding the operation of the society please do not hesitate to direct them to any of the members of the exec at the addresses listed at the bottom of this e-newsletter.
As we approach year end in March of 2011 the exec has been discussing ways to continue to raise the profile of our profession and give back more to members. Stay tuned for an announcement in January that will be going to members only regarding membership renewal.
Membership – Give yourself something great for Christmas
Join the rapidly growing number of CE professionals ACCES members working in Atlantic Canada! Tired of only getting bills in the mail? Membership kits continue to ship (although we have run out of trees). Freebies and a low membership rate = Good news for you! Sign up now at the full member rate of $25 and your membership is good through to the end of March 2012.
New members joining and current members will receive an ACCES Bronze Pin, ACCES highlighter pen, and an ACCES Urbano tool Kit;
Join on lineat
Contact Jason Symmonds ( for questions
Website Photos
We are always looking for more photos to display on the home page in the header animation – your team at work - photo should be in a 1200x400 pixels format. Also, we are in the final steps of setting up a video section on the site for users to publish educational materials and other related items!
If anyone has any suggestions for the site go to the contact section for the site and e-mail Steven Lockyer or Paul Verboom
ACCES Executive Contacts
Want to provide feedback and input? Feel free to contact members of the executive team;
- Jeremy Dann – President –
- Steven Lockyer – Publications / Website –
- Paul Auffrey – Education -
- David Hancock – Professional Affairs -
- Dave Melnick – Finance -
- Paul Verboom – Director at large -
- Jason Symmonds – Secretariat –