
The International Certification Commission provides formal recognition for Clinical Engineering and Biomedical Technology. Certification as a Biomedical Engineering Technician or Technologist (CBET) demonstrates excellence in theoretical as well as practical knowledge of the principles of biomedical equipment technology and the underlying physiologic principle, and the practical, safe, clinical application of biomedical equipment. His/her capabilities may include installation, calibration, inspection, preventative maintenance, repair, modification, design and development of general biomedical and related technical equipment, and in equipment control, safety and maintenance. It also demonstrates a strong commitment to your professional career.

The certification process in Canada is administered by the Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering and Dialysis Technologists and Technicians. The board has established a formal examination process that consists of following:

  1. Provincial Certification with provincial association of engineering technicians and technologists.
  2. Clinical experience -Minimum of three years in a clinical setting. Graduates of a recognized accredited biomedical post-secondary program are permitted to count a maximum of 1-year internship period as part of the 3-year practical experience requirement.
  3. Written references required from both Clinical and Technical sources.
  4. Written exam required to demonstrate competency in the areas of Anatomy and Physiology, Electronics, Medical Instrumentation, Troubleshooting, Safety and Standards, and essay questions pertaining to the practice of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering.

ACCES encourages Certification for all Biomedical and Clinical Engineering Professionals in Atlantic Canada. For further information or to obtain an application to become a Certified Biomedical Engineering Technician or Technologists in Canada please contact the Canadian Board of Examiners or ACCES Professional Affairs.

BMET Certification Canada, 87 Halley St.,
Nepean, ON, K2J 3R5
(613) 825-1837

Website for The Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering and Dialysis Technologist and Technicians

Email the Secretariat BMET Certification Canada