• 2024 ACCES AGM

    Due to the cancellation of the 2024 ACCES Conference, the 2024 ACCES AGM will be presented virtually via a Zoom conference. The AGM is scheduled on June 20th at 7PM ADT. A Zoom link will be sent to all regular members on June 19th.

    The following positions will be up for grabs...


  • ACCES 2024 Conference Cancellation

    Dear Members,

    We regret to inform you that due to some unforeseen economical issues with the location, we must announce the cancellation of the ACCES conference scheduled for this year in Halifax. However, we are excited to share

  • Winter 2024 ACCES Update

    Our President, Gary Slaunwhite, has announced his resignation as President of ACCES. In response, Peter Butt has been appointed as the acting President by the Board of Directors to guide the organization through this transition.

  • Message from the President, October 2023

    October 2023

    Well, here we are in the midst of our Fall season - my how the Summer flew by! I have a few exciting things to mention since our last newsletter.
    We are currently gearing up for our ACCES26 Annual Atlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Society’s Educational Seminar and Trade Show taking place in 2024. Our ACCES26 chairman, John Inch...

  • Nominate CE of the Year

    Do You Know an Outstanding Clinical Engineering Professional?

    We invite members of the ACCES community to submit nominations for the prestigious 2023 "ACCES Clinical Engineering Professional of the Year Award".

  • Digital Marketing Sub Committee Call for Interest


    Attention ACCES members! We're excited to announce the launch of our brand new Digital Marketing Subcommittee. Are you passionate about leveraging the power of digital platforms to elevate our organization's reach and impact? Join our committee and be at the forefront of driving our digital marketing initiatives.

  • New Executive Members


    We are thrilled to introduce the newest additions to the ACCES executive team, who will play a vital role in shaping the future of our organization. Join us in welcoming Michael Barton as a Member at Large, Michael Jeffrey as the Director of Membership, and Cory Mulvina as another Member at Large. Each of them brings unique skills, expertise, and a passion for advancing the field of biomedical engineering.

  • Message from the President, July 2023

    July 2023

    As your newly elected President of ACCES I’d like to welcome you to our Summer 2023 newsletter. I’d like to thank our Communications Director, David Gillis, for his efforts in putting it together. I hope you enjoy the read.

    Well, here we are at the start of our summer season - my how time flies. We just had our 25th Annual Atlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Society’s Educational Seminar and Trade Show in Moncton in early May and it seems like it was yesterday. If you were able to attend, you would have to agree it was a tremendous success as the New Brunswick Committee did a fantastic job. If you were...

  • 2023 Clinical Engineering Week

    On Behalf of the ACCES Executive committee, we want to wish everyone a Happy Clinical Engineering Week!

    From May 14-20, we celebrate the vital contributions of Biomeds and CE staff to the healthcare industry. As experts in medical technology, these folks play a critical role in maintaining, optimizing, and innovating the devices and systems that support patient care.
    At a time when the world is facing unprecedented...

  • Message from the President, Fall 2022

    Hello ACCES, the Executive Team has been thinking about our members and their families after the recent visit from Fiona and the devastation that was left in her tracks. From watching the news...

  • Hurricane Fiona

    September 24th, 2022 is a date many Atlantic Canadians won’t soon forget. Hurricane Fiona certainly wreaked havoc that day, leaving a lot of people with their homes destroyed, damaged infrastructure, downed trees, as well as extended

  • Nominate CE of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Award

    Do You Know an Outstanding Clinical Engineering Professional?

  • Message from the President, Spring 2021

    Hi ACCES, the first thing I would like to do is wish everyone a happy National Biomedical/Clinical Engineering Appreciation Week. Once again you may not be sharing your celebration with others in your facilities but do take the time to sit back and reflect on last years achievements.

  • Message from the President, Winter 2022

    Hello ACCES, the first thing that I would like to say is Happy New Year to everyone and let us hope for a better 2022 than 2021, although we have started out on the wrong foot.
    Unfortunately, once again the ACCES25 conference had to be cancelled. It was a tough call...

  • Message from the President, Winter 2021

    Hello ACCES, I am personally looking forward to 2021 and glad to have 2020 in the books with all the life changing events that it has brought to each of us.

    We have just lived through one of the toughest years in our life. We all have been affected by the pandemic in one way or another...

  • President's Letter Spring 2020

    Depending on how you marked your calendar, Atlantic Canada is in the 10th week of dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic. During this ordeal Clinical Engineering departments throughout our four provinces were tasked to help prepare our healthcare facilities for the influx of pandemic patients. We were involved with establishing COVID Care Areas within the hospitals, prepping or sourcing extra equipment, assisting with External Clinics used to conduct testing, and ensuring that our healthcare community was prepared to meet this challenge. Each province has experienced the effects on COVID differently, but with our help we were ready for what ever came our way.

  • President's Letter Winter 2020


    Here we are already in the 2nd month of 2020 and both the ACCES Executive team and the ACCES25 planning committee are extremely busy planning this year’s upcoming events.

    The ACCES Executive team is excited once again to offer bursary opportunities to our members and their immediate family. This will be the third year of offering two $500 bursaries, last year we were happy to award both.

  • Spotlight Article Winter 2020

    Jontaylor Estey

    Working as a Clinical Engineering Technologist at the Saint John Regional Hospital (SJRH), Jontaylor Estey is one of those people who seems to always have multiple projects on the go. In his own words: “I try to lead quite an eventful life, and the story keeps unravelling…

  • President's Letter Fall 2019


    Well it’s that time of year where we are all looking forward to spending time building memories with our family and friends. Hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones who will enjoy some extra vacation time off outside the holidays to do so.

    During your time off though I do ask for you to think about a couple of interesting challenges that ACCES is putting forward.

  • Spotlight Article Fall 2019

    The ACCES Executive would like to welcome Marwan Abouelela as a Director at Large to our team.

    Marwan joined IWK Health Centre in 2017, bringing with him over twenty (20) years of diversified experience in healthcare including project management, marketing, medical affairs, sales management and leadership roles.