Newsletter Vol 19 Sept 2012
In this issue
- Webinar Series Fall 2012
- Learn and Win Program
- Certificates
- The Winners Are!
- ACCES Twitter Account Change
- ACCES Website Job Board
- Photos 2012 Conference
- Become A Member
- ACCES Website
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Webinar Series Fall 2012In keeping with our mission ACCES is pleased to offer an excellent series of Educational Webinars this fall. Our Webinars are free to anyone, anywhere evolved in the Biomedical and Clinical Engineering profession.Check out the Learn and Win Program we running in conjunction with our Webinars. This program gives ACCES members in Atlantic Canada a chance to win a new iPad and other prizes. |
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Also starting this fall any ACCES members will have the opportunity to complete a short Quiz on many of our webinars and receive a certificate you can put toward your continuing education requirements.
Webinars are a very low cost method of connecting people and presenting relevant content. The Webinar is an internet based technology that allows both the presenter and the audience to be anywhere that has access to the PC and the internet. Therefore, no travel is required , no hotels and it also gives the opportunity for a larger audience.
Each presentation is approximately one hour.
Click on any title to see more details and a registration link. Please see the Menu entry Past Educational Sessions to see webinars that have already taken place.
The Evolution of Dialysis Technology
This lecture would describe the first true HD machine developed by a Canadian, Albert Babb, and then build on the advances over the next decades up to the present day.
Optics in the Hospital Operating Room
This presentation discusses the optics inside the surgical instruments that are utilized during endoscopic procedures.
Implementing Clinical Infection Control Practices
This presentation will provide an overview and specific recommendations for putting an infection control policy in place for healthcare technology management departments.
QA for Diagnostic Monitors in Medical Imaging
A presentation is an overview of QAWeb which is a Dicom compliance verification tool for Xray displays.
The Learn and Win program is simple. Each webinar will be followed by a quiz posted on the ACCES website . The quizzes will be based on the speakers presentation. At the end of the webinar participants can login to the ACCES website and enter their answers at the supplied link.
How do You Win?
Seven days after the webinar a random draw will be made from those submissions that have the correct answers to the quiz. Additionally at the end of the spring series a draw will be held for a grand prize. The grand prize draw will be made randomly from a group of all correct submissions from the fall and spring webinar series. Participants can enter once per webinar. Your chances of winning go up for each webinar you attend and submit the correct answers.
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What are the prizes?The winner of the $50 dollar gift certificate from The Source will be drawn seven days after each webinar. A grand prize of a new iPad will be drawn from all correct submissions at the end of the fall/spring series of webinars. |
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Who is Eligible to Win?
All Regular (Individual) members of ACCES in good standing.That is those ACCES Members in Atlantic Canada working in the Biomedical/Clinical Engineering field.
Not a member of ACCES, it's never to late to join, just click on Become a Member in the Main Menu. It only cost $25 and few minutes of your time to join.
Good Luck and Good Learning!
CertificatesStarting in fall 2012 ACCES is offering our members certificates for our Webinars. These certificates can be put toward your continuing education requires,or framed and hung if you desire. To obtain a certificate you must successfully complete a short quiz on one of our Webinars. After each new Webinar we will be posting a Quiz on that Webinar and a link to the quiz will be given during the Webinar. These quizzes are also part of our Learn and Win Program for ACCES Members in Atlantic Canada. |
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Many of our Webinars from the past year also have recorded material and/or PDF copies of the presentations. Some of these past Webinars with material also have Quizzes and Certificates available. The material is available from within the listing of Quizzes.
Once you pass a Quiz you will be given a option to view your certificate. When you select this option our website will generate a personalized certificate and present it in a new window in your web browser as a image that you can print or save. To save the picture right click on it and select save image from the pop up menu.
So give it a try log into the website and select Quizzes under the Members Menu. We also have Category of fun quizzes if want give it a try but don't want think about Biomed things right now.
If you are not a member of ACCES but would like to give it a try, create an account on our website. When you activate your account you will get a free visit to the website as a member and can try out our Quizzes and generate certificates. We hope your free visit will encourage you to become a member of ACCES. It only cost $25 can be done online in a few minutes (Note 1). Just look for the Become a Member link in the Main menu.
Note 1 The become a member page has a downloadable form that you can fill out and send with a cheque via snail mail.
The Winners Are!
Congratulations go to the Clinical Engineering Week 2012 contest winners;
- Western Health Biomedical Engineering – Newfoundland
- Region 6 Facilicorp Biomedical Engineering – New Brunswick
- Central Region HANS Clinical Engineering – Nova Scotia
- Northern Region HANS Clinical Engineering – Nova Scotia
We had several teams submit more than one picture, same poster some of the same people at different locations. While we applaud the effort and appreciate the additional pictures the judges decided in all fairness these should be considered one entry. In this way every team that participated got a prize, what could be more fair then that!
Each department will receive a $200 dollar cheque From ACCES In January of 2013 to be used for next year’s Clinical Engineering Week activities. Many thanks to those that participated. It is nice to see CE professionals proudly displaying their many contributions to healthcare and their achievements!
Click on any picture to see learn more about Clinical Engineering Week.
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ACCES Twitter Account Change
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Our Twitter account has changed! Check us out at @ACCESociety.
The old account was designed for the ACCES-CMBES conference. Since the conference is over, the Twitter account was changed to focus on our own society and activities. Tweet us! Tell us what is important to you. We'll endeavour to answer any questions sent to us. We'll also post about our own events. Remember, as you post, maintain patient and employer confidentiality! |
ACCES Website Job BoardThe ACCES website Job Board remains available and has been used with success. You will see any new job posting scrolling in top left corner just above the Main Menu. |
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Employers can post jobs to our website, and any posting can be freely viewed by any member of the public.
In addition, for less then the cost of a Posting in Career Beacon, employers can have their Job Posting Emailed to over 500 people in the field. ACCES will email a short description of the job plus a link back to the full job posting on our website.
To date over 20% of those Emailed look at the full Job Posting. This is a very good rate of uptake on a Email.
So if you know anyone looking for a skilled Biomed why not send them to the ACCES website. They can click on the Job Board Menu option and get started right away.
Photos 2012 Conference
The ACCES17 / CMBES35 Joint Conference held June 18-22, 2012 was an other great sucess. We have lots of photos from the conference. Please visit our webitse to veiw them all. Thanks to Jeremy Dann and Robert Martin for providing these pictures.
Become A MemberACCES is, at its core, a growing number of Clinical Engineering professionals who believe in the importance of continuing education, networking with peers, working to achieve a higher standard, developing themselves, and elevating their chosen profession. If these key elements make sense to you then perhaps you should be a member as well. It is never too late to become a member and their are no late Penalties, it still only cost $25, so why not become a member today. Sign up on line it takes less then 5 minutes or Download our ACCES Membership Form |
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ACCES WebsiteFor more information or to contact the executive of our society please |