In this issue
What's the Status of Your ACCES Membership?
ACCES24 Registration & Early Bird
ACCES AGM & Call for Nominations
2018-19 Charitable Donations
2019 Clinical Engineering Week
News from our Members
News from our Corporate Members
What's the Status of Your ACCES Membership?
Have you thought about becoming an ACCES member? Were you a member in past years? Have you renewed?
Membership renewals and new members for 2019-20 will receive an awesome ACCES branded, twelve can capacity cooler bag – but you need to act fast:
Deadline April 30th, 2019
Membership fee is still only $25.00
Existing members that have yet to renew for 2019-20 should be receiving a personalized link by email to go through the renewal process. Not a member of ACCES? No problem – just check out our website for all the benefits of becoming a member and instructions on how to register!
June 11-14, 2019
Marriot Halifax Harbourfront Hotel
***Early Bird Date: May 17th ***
Register on or before May 17th to have your name entered in to win a Q.ANTUM SOLAR MODULE donated by Clear Power Solutions
ACCES AGM & Call for Nominations
You’re invited to the ACCES Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be taking place at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, on June 13th (see ACCES24 schedule for exact location and time).
We also have an immediate need for individuals who will invest themselves in making for a strong executive dedicated to the mission and objectives of the society. We are currently looking to fill the following Director positions, all with a 2-year term: Director of Finance, Director of Communications, Director of Membership and Director at Large. If you’re interested in any of the Director roles, you can visit the ACCES Executive Structure page for more information or contact the ACCES Director of Communications.
Submit your Nomination - or - Nominate someone you know
2018-19 Charitable Donations
This fiscal year, ACCES made two charitable donations of $500 each, to the IWK Foundation and to Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation.
Support of initiatives that help bring state-of-the-art medical technologies to children in Atlantic Canada is something that our Society’s members can feel good about!
2019 Clinical Engineering Week
The cheques have been distributed to last year’s ACCES Clinical Engineering Week photo contest winners, to help them plan this year’s celebrations on May 19 - 25.
How will you celebrate? Whether you set up a booth and/or display with photos and information, hold an open house, deliver a presentation or celebrate at a department meeting, don’t forget to snap a picture with the ACCES logo and send it to our Director of Communications on or before June 15th for a chance to win $200 for next year’s celebrations.
News from our Members
Spotlight and news articles featuring colleagues and fellow ACCES members can be submitted at any time to our Director of Communications
News from our Corporate Members
Check out our new Infection Prevention & Control website
At Dräger, one of our missions is to help you reduce infections in your hospital. That’s why we created a new webpage dedicated to best practices and valuable information on infection prevention and control (IPC). Here you’ll find:
Posters and videos to help you break the chain of infection
Download step-by-step graphic posters and watch videos that take you through validated reprocessing processes for our anesthesia machines, ventilators and neonatal care devices.
Case studies that share best practices
Learn how other hospitals successfully address infection control through the design of their critical care workplaces and standardized processes for cleaning medical devices.
Latest news and views on infection control
Read about innovative approaches to IPC – from a systematic approach to room cleaning to outpatient MRSA cleaning and more.
Overview of Dräger disposables
Reduce the risk of transmitting nosocomial infections with quality disposables that eliminate the need for reprocessing.
Click here to check it out!
FocusPoint is an intuitive, web-based application that aggregates, processes, stores, and presents inventory, statistical, and alert information for Philips patient monitoring devices, applications, and network equipment. FocusPoint provides network monitoring with historic performance for the patient monitoring network, which includes:
• IntelliVue Patient Monitors
• PIC iX servers and Surveillance Systems
• CareEvent Servers • Smart-hopping wireless infrastructure
• IntelliVue MX and MP series monitors (including telemetry)
• Philips supplied routers, switches, and firewalls
FocusPoint is a critical component of the Philips management solution and acts as the engine of the solution. FocusPoint generated information and alerts are available for troubleshooting and to assist customers with the monitoring of the Philips IntelliVue devices and systems, using a web based GUI or integration with their network management system. FocusPoint data is available for the customer and Philips support personnel working on-site and remotely, and for Philips remote support.
Medset Specialties now offers additional products that complement our existing replacement product line for Arjo patient lifts. Hand controls and lift straps for mobile and ceiling lifts are NEW and complete this range of products. Our supplier for the Arjo line previously manufactured for the OEM and Medset is the distributor in Canada.
Medset has a well-earned reputation for the quality SLA batteries we supply for the ceiling lifts, so this is a natural fit. We have a price/cross reference list specifically for the Arjo patient lift batteries as well as for these new accessories.
Please contact us at 1-800-331-3187 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for immediate assistance if you require an up-to-date price/cross reference list.
Natalie BoudreauDirector of CommunicationsAtlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Society (ACCES)